We believe in turning interest into action
The Capitol City Pharmacy Medical Reserve Corps (CCPMRC) is a group of local pharmacy volunteers in Washington, DC, focused on improving the health and safety of their community. We are the first nationally-recognized pharmacy-specialized MRC.
Who We Are
CPMRC is a collaboration between the Howard University College of Pharmacy and the DC Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Administration. This MRC has been uniquely established in October 2013 to recruit and train volunteers to provide pharmacy-related functions during an emergency situation, and has been established as the first nationally-recognized pharmacy-specialized since 2015. Pharmacy related functions include but are not limited to mass vaccinations, staffing medical point-of-dispensing stations and provision of emergency supply of chronic medications.
Our goal is to increase the number of trained pharmacy students, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to prepare for and respond to emergencies and promote healthy living throughout the year. This effort will be supported by the District of Columbia - Department of Health & the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Administration.