CCPMRC’s goal is to make our volunteers Level 1, 2 and 3 tier trained volunteers based on the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) MRC Deployment Readiness Guide. Additionally we have designed our training to fall in line with the NACCHO MRC Core Competencies which have been organized into 4 learning paths. According to NACCHO, after completing the training modules our volunteers should have the knowledge needed for a health care professional and/or first responder to perform a task in a safe and consistent manner. ​Please be sure to email all certificates of completion to the chief of volunteer training and engagement at capitolcityrxmrc@gmail.com.
Tier 4
Volunteers who have registered but have not completed MRC orientation
Tier 3
Introductory level of knowledge that all volunteers should have
1. Completed all requirements for Tier 4
2. Completed Disaster Health Core Curriculum: Competency 1 – Personal and Family Preparedness
3. Completed Responder Health and Safety (Basics of Public Health Preparedness, Module 5)
4. Completed Disaster Health Core Curriculum: Competency 2 – Expected Roles in Organizational & Community Response Plans During a Disaster or Public Health Emergency
5. Completed Disaster Health Core Curriculum: Competency 4: Communication
6. Completed Disaster Health Core Curriculum: Competency 3: Situational Awareness
7. Completed Cultural Awareness: Introduction to Cultural Competency and Humility
8. Completed Disaster Health Core Curriculum: Competency 9 – Ethical Principles
9. Completed Public Health and the Law: An Emergency Preparedness Training Kit
Tier 2
Introductory level of knowledge that all volunteers should have
1. Completed all requirements for Tiers 3-4
2. Completed Caring for Older Adults in Disasters: A Curriculum for Health Professionals
3. Completed Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS 100
4. Completed : An Introduction to the National Incident Management System
Tier 1
Advanced level of knowledge for volunteers serving in a specialized or supervisory response role
1. Completed all requirements for Tiers 2-4
2. IS-800.D: National Response Framework, An Introduction